Sunday, April 8, 2012

Garden Update (Early April 2012)

Just wanted to share some photos of my new expanded Garden for this year. I have gone from 1 plot to 2 plots and Hugelcultur bed, and another ground strip for planting. I have also expanded by herb garen and made it into a raised bed.

First the original plot..

Next, the new 2nd plot with a bag soil experiment

Here yo can see that these two plots are side by side..

In the bags I have already panted onions and potatos.

Here is the Hgelkultur bed with new soil and my radishes coming up..

Here is the new and mproved raised bed herb garden....

In which I have Scallions, Thyme, Oregano and Rosemary...

I will post more at the end of the month so you all can see the progress!

Until next time....


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